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Why, hello there

I'm Jacquie Kliniske, thank you for taking a peek at my website!
I am a wife and mommy of three kids that definitely keep me on my toes. I am based out of Watertown, MN and I love shooting around this beautiful area!
Photography is something I have loved since taking a class in high school. Once I had children, I wanted to capture every little moment and seemed to always have my camera on hand. That love quickly turned into a passion, and I decided to turn my passion into a business. I couldn't be more happy doing what I'm doing! 
My goal is to get a mixture of posed portraits and the unplanned, candid moments that make a family unique. I love exploring different parks, beaches and small downtowns to find new places to shoot, and I am open to any suggestions! I travel all around the Twin Cities, so don't be afraid to ask. 
Picking a photographer can be a daunting task, there are so many to choose from. So take your time, ask questions, make sure you feel comfortable so you can get the best possible photos! If through all of your research you should choose me to be the one behind the camera, I promise I will put my all into getting images you love! I look forward to working with you, and capturing beautiful moments with you and your loved ones. 
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